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ஐ夢想團隊 正雄ஐ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Vemma果然週週都是驚喜,加入還未滿三個月,竟然在上週 無意間就領到三萬多的獎金(是"週薪"不是月薪唷!)...(其實上上週才剛破萬,這一週又三倍跳了)

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ஐ夢想團隊 正雄ஐ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在家工作 | 網路創業 | VEMMA | vemma | 美商維瑪 | 維瑪 | 網路開店 | 網拍 | 網賺 | 直銷 | 傳銷

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01.Activate Your Website

When you upgrade to Member with Vemma you get 2 websites. One is your Vemmabuilder Opportunity Website, the other is a Free Website from the Corporation.

Logging into and setting up your VemmaBuilder Website

Go to this web site www.vemmabuilder.com

Click on the link that says "VemmaBuilder Members and Pre-Enrollees click here to login ".

When you upgraded to member, you should have gotten a 9 digit Vemma ID # and Password in an email called "Your Dreams are about to come true". Type that information in the spaces provided and click on "Login" .

Click on "Back Office " -

Click on "Account Info " – in the first section, you can make any changes to your Personal Information. You can also change your password to something easier to remember. Also, if you need to change your credit card information just click on that link.

In the second section click on "Update Allocation "

Make sure the setting is set to "Default ".

Then click on "Update Allocation"

Then click on "Contact Manager"

Your VemmaBuilder Opportunity website should look like this:


(this is a made up number)

make sure yours has your 9 digit Vemma ID at the end.

**This is the website you will send your friends and relatives or co-workers who want to start a Home Based Internet Business.

Setting up your VEMMA Corporation Website

As a VEMMA member you have your own free website which gives you your member and customer downline info only. This website also keeps track of our earnings. Here is how to set it up:

Go to: http://www.vemma.com

Click on the small gray box "MEMBER LOGIN " (top right corner of page).

Click on "Create a Username or Password ".

Fill out the form that comes up in the page titled: "VEMMA". You will need your Vemma VID# (your 9 digit VID #).

Leave the SS# field Blank.

Fill out your personal information.

Leave Old Password blank.

In filling out the form please note: Your password must be 6 characters long and must contain at least one digit. Retype password to confirm.

Click: "Submit "

You should see "Your Username and password have been created ."

Click on "Return to Login ".

Login with the Username and Password you just created.

Check the 2 boxes "I Have Read".

Click: "Submit ".

Now click on: "Manage Website ".

Confirm that your personal info is correct and if not, make any necessary changes. Below your telephone number you should see: "Your Website " http://www.myvemma.com/ — followed by the username you created in the large box.

for example: http://www.myvemma.com/ yourusername.

Leave "I want the default Image on my Website " checked.

Leave "I want the default Message on my Website " checked.

Click "Submit Changes ".

You will see a screen that says your changes have been submitted.

Click on "My Account ".

Check your name and other personal particulars are correct. Make sure your name appear as FULL name because this is the name that VEMMA will write on your bonus check.

You can click Log Out or Click on the other links to become familiar with this website.

**This is the website address where you will send people you know who want to purchase the VEMMA Nutrition Product. Personal Contacts or Family members that are not interested in building a business, but would like to start taking the product. If you have someone who would like to be a member & start their own business, send them to your vemmabuilder.com website so they can be included in the downline.

Other Important Information

Conference Calls. You will find there are many conference calls to help you build your business:

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 pm Pacific Time, 7:30 pm Mountain Time 8:30 pm Central Time, 9:30 pm Eastern Time.

Saturdays at 10:00 am Pacific Time, 11:00 am Mountain, 12:00 noon Central, 1:00 pm Eastern.

You will get email reminders about these conference calls along with the telephone number to call along with a pin code.

*** VERY IMPORTANT *** You must be on Auto Ship for a minimum of one VEMMA Pack a month to be eligible to be paid fast start bonuses on your personal enrolled downline.

In order to develop a solid, secure business with long-term residual income, it is necessary to bring into your organization both people that want to build a business and those that just want to use the products. We have systems in place to help you find people in these areas. In addition to these programs, you might find that some of the customers and business people are among those people you already know.

ஐ夢想團隊 正雄ஐ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



雅娟是家庭主婦,每每聽到旁人提起『家庭主婦』,很自然的就和『黃臉婆』畫上等號,再進一步就會想到『跟不上潮流』、『與社會脫節』、『小孩的傭人』,甚至是『伸手牌= 向 先生伸手索取家用開銷』,這些刻板印象,雅娟可是大大不贊同!!
相反的『家庭主婦』可是很強的,不僅要整理家務、準備三餐外,上對公婆要盡孝道,下對子女則是盡管教之職,出外對朋友則要運用高超的交際手腕,才能相處融洽,如此全方位的角色,試問有幾位男士能做到,若真要說不足之處,那就是為了照顧家庭沒有出外工作,沒有自己的經濟能力,一切 仰賴 先生的鼻息而活,也就是因為這點,所以雅娟決定經營VeMMA,我要讓家庭主婦走出去,擁有自己的事業天空,讓自己也成為家庭經濟的支柱,而不再是『伸手牌』!!所以我愛『VeMMA』


PS:關於雅娟加入VeMMA的起由 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/viva765/article?mid=1&prev=40&l=f&fid=7






在VeMMA,每位加入經營的夥伴都有一個夢想共識 ~~『辛苦一陣子,財富自由一輩子』!!


雅娟自2010/12/23 加入『VeMMA』大家庭,經營五個月,事業夥伴除了來自台灣之外,還有馬來西亞、美國、紐西蘭等國家加入,透過系統的協助,讓雅娟不必出國、甚至不必出門,直接在網路上尋得的這些事業好夥伴!!




『秘密』這本書,讓雅娟學會 ~~ 用力去想並圖像化『我要什麼美好的事物來到我的現實生活』。
雅娟和老公很早就定好我們的夢想 ~~『45歲退休』!!但退休就等於沒有工資收入,若貿然行之,伴隨而來的就是生活的基本水準大受影響,更不用說『要去環遊世界』、『富裕的老年生活』、『陪伴寶貝上大學』等夢想了。






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